Player | Offence |
b**********s | Obscene username |
Saafff | Harassment and duplicate account |
Badsha007 | Engage in unsporting play and duplicate account |
Noah7 | Engage in unsporting play and duplicate account |
c****i | Obscene username |
Ritesj | Engage in unsporting play with Da7sh |
Da7sh | Engage in unsporting play with Ritesj |
SHAKS | Engage in unsporting play |
Darkcrab | Duplicate account |
Rastafaraiii | Engage in unsporting play |
sunil | Post information that is abusive, threatening and defamatory |
juhaani | Duplicate account |
IOjR | Engage in unsporting play |
Celestial | Duplicate account |
1**************g | Obscene username |
8Sas8 | Engage in unsporting play |
AceOfClubs | Engage in unsporting play |
A********n | Obscene username |
Akshay12 | Engage in unsporting play |
An83 | Engage in unsporting play with vashish10, Mbabaa, sookdeopassword |
anishaanas13 | Post information that is abusive and obscene |
ASecondChance | Engage in unsporting play |
avish007 | Engage in unsporting play |
Bingo | Frequent disconnection |
Bourik | Duplicate account |
B***********s | Obscene username |
BRINO_LORET | Frequent disconnection |
DrAculA | Duplicate account |
Eutopie | Engage in unsporting play with vaxin |
F*****K | Obscene username |
F*******a | Obscene username |
Graham | Not responding to information request upon suspected breach of service |
G*****i | Obscene username |
Hansley | Not responding to information request upon suspected breach of service |
Imdaad | Engage in unsporting play |
Jamil | Engage in unsporting play |
Jin24 | Engage in unsporting play |
Juuhani | Duplicate account |
k*******n | Obscene username |
kavish7 | Engage in unsporting play |
k********2 | Obscene username |
king747 | Engage in unsporting play |
Knox95 | Engage in unsporting play |
Konen | Engage in unsporting play with Sangat |
Kovi0007 | Engage in unsporting play |
krish07 | Not responding to information request upon suspected breach of service |
l********a | Obscene username |
Loser | Engage in unsporting play |
Mbabaa | Engage in unsporting play with An83, vashish10, sookdeopassword |
Mehzabeen | Engage in unsporting play with shivam_ts and provide misleading information |
Naira | Frequent match abandonment when losing |
Nuz28o1 | Identity usurpation |
p*********t | Obscene username |
Rubina_positive_girl | Post information that is abusive and obscene |
Sangat | Engage in unsporting play with Konen |
Scope | Duplicate account |
SHANEN | Engage in unsporting play |
Shivam_no2 | Engage in unsporting play with Shivgaylar |
shivam_ts | Engage in unsporting play with Mehzabeen and provide misleading information |
Shivgaylar | Engage in unsporting play with Shivam_no2 |
shristy7 | Engage in unsporting play |
sookdeopassword | Engage in unsporting play with An83, Mbabaa, vashish10 |
succonmyGingerbread | Post information that is abusive and obscene |
sudipti | Engage in unsporting play |
S********c | Obscene username |
T******a | Obscene username |
t*************a | Obscene username |
T******************i | Obscene username |
T*****s | Obscene username |
t*********m | Obscene username |
to_mari | Engage in unsporting play |
T******s | Obscene username |
vashish10 | Engage in unsporting play with An83, Mbabaa, sookdeopassword |
vaxin | Engage in unsporting play with Eutopie |
ven12 | Engage in unsporting play |
Virus | Duplicate account |
Wapppoo | |
wellopaswello | Not responding to information request upon suspected breach of service |
z******d | Obscene username |