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Temporary Suspension for Abandoning Matches

PlayerPrevious SuspensionsWhen losing/having poor handsAll the TimeMax End Date
Satat19420-Fri 21st Feb

Temporary Suspension Pending Investigation

PlayerAction Required

Temporary Suspension - Miscellaneous


Long-term & Permanent Suspension

SHERRY_SINGFrequent match abandonment
SHEENA2021Frequent match abandonment
WapppooFrequent match abandonment
GROS_FRANKLINFrequent match abandonment
b**********sObscene username
SaafffHarassment and duplicate account
Badsha007Engage in unsporting play and duplicate account
Noah7Engage in unsporting play and duplicate account
c****iObscene username
RitesjEngage in unsporting play with Da7sh
Da7shEngage in unsporting play with Ritesj
SHAKSEngage in unsporting play
DarkcrabDuplicate account
RastafaraiiiEngage in unsporting play
sunilPost information that is abusive, threatening and defamatory
juhaaniDuplicate account
IOjREngage in unsporting play
CelestialDuplicate account
1**************gObscene username
8Sas8Engage in unsporting play
AceOfClubsEngage in unsporting play
A********nObscene username
Akshay12Engage in unsporting play
An83Engage in unsporting play with vashish10, Mbabaa, sookdeopassword
anishaanas13Post information that is abusive and obscene
ASecondChanceEngage in unsporting play
avish007Engage in unsporting play
BingoFrequent disconnection
BourikDuplicate account
B***********sObscene username
BRINO_LORETFrequent disconnection
DrAculADuplicate account
EutopieEngage in unsporting play with vaxin
F*****KObscene username
F*******aObscene username
GrahamNot responding to information request upon suspected breach of service
G*****iObscene username
HansleyNot responding to information request upon suspected breach of service
ImdaadEngage in unsporting play
JamilEngage in unsporting play
Jin24Engage in unsporting play
JuuhaniDuplicate account
k*******nObscene username
kavish7Engage in unsporting play
k********2Obscene username
king747Engage in unsporting play
Knox95Engage in unsporting play
KonenEngage in unsporting play with Sangat
Kovi0007Engage in unsporting play
krish07Not responding to information request upon suspected breach of service
l********aObscene username
LoserEngage in unsporting play
MbabaaEngage in unsporting play with An83, vashish10, sookdeopassword
MehzabeenEngage in unsporting play with shivam_ts and provide misleading information
NairaFrequent match abandonment when losing
Nuz28o1Identity usurpation
p*********tObscene username
Rubina_positive_girlPost information that is abusive and obscene
SangatEngage in unsporting play with Konen
ScopeDuplicate account
SHANENEngage in unsporting play
Shivam_no2Engage in unsporting play with Shivgaylar
shivam_tsEngage in unsporting play with Mehzabeen and provide misleading information
ShivgaylarEngage in unsporting play with Shivam_no2
shristy7Engage in unsporting play
sookdeopasswordEngage in unsporting play with An83, Mbabaa, vashish10
succonmyGingerbreadPost information that is abusive and obscene
sudiptiEngage in unsporting play
S********cObscene username
T******aObscene username
t*************aObscene username
T******************iObscene username
T*****sObscene username
t*********mObscene username
to_mariEngage in unsporting play
T******sObscene username
vashish10Engage in unsporting play with An83, Mbabaa, sookdeopassword
vaxinEngage in unsporting play with Eutopie
ven12Engage in unsporting play
VirusDuplicate account
wellopaswelloNot responding to information request upon suspected breach of service
z******dObscene username